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The Demon Deacon at Truist Field during a football game

It’s time to celebrate!

We know Wake Forest will look great on you – and your social media and laptop. See below to download Wake digital stickers that you can share on your social accounts, in a text message with family and friends, or in an email with a selfie of you holding your acceptance letter. Wake wallpaper’s below too!

Go ahead. You’ve earned the right to a little (digital) swagger. Go Deacs!

To download an image below, click on the image or wallpaper size link you’d like to download. On your computer, right-click on the image and select “Save Image As…” to save it.

Digital Stickers

Wake Forest, Class of '29
It's a Great Day to be a Deacon Sticker
Wake 1834 Sticker
Class of '29 - New Deac Sticker
Welcome to the Forest sticker
Go Deacs! sticker

WFU Animated GIFs

Class of '29 Animated Deacon

Wallpapers (Campus)

Wait Chapel with "it's a beautiful day to be a Deacon" sticker
It’s a Beautiful Day

Laptop | Laptop (4k) | Phone

Reynolda Hall at dusk
Reynolda Hall

Laptop | Laptop (4k)

Aerial view of ZSR library in the fall
Fall Beauty

Laptop | Laptop (4k)

Hearn Plaza
Hearn Plaza

Laptop | Laptop (4k)

Wait Chapel
Wait Chapel

Laptop | Laptop (4k) | Phone

"Determination" wooden swing

Laptop | Laptop (4k)

WF ironwork in front of the quad
WF Ironwork


Wait Chapel at dusk
Wait Chapel at Dusk

Laptop | Laptop (4k) | Phone

Demon Deacon
Demon Deacon


Wake Forest football team
Wake Forest Football

Laptop | Phone

Demon Deacon statue at dusk
Demon Deacon Statue

Laptop | Phone

Wallpapers (Illustrations)

Gold WFU on black background wallpaper
WFU (Gold on Black)

Laptop | Phone

Gold WFU on white background wallpaper
WFU (Gold on White)

Laptop | Phone

Go Deacs! Gold on Black Wallpaper
Go Deacs! (Gold on Black)

Laptop | Phone

Go Deacs! Gold on White Wallpaper
WFU (Gold on White)

Laptop | Phone

Wake 1834 (Gold on Black) Wallpaper
Wake 1834 (Gold on Black)

Laptop | Phone

Wake 1834 (Gold on White) Wallpaper
Go Deacs! (Gold on White)

Laptop | Phone

Wake with Wait Chapel as the A (Gold on black)
“Wake” Chapel (Gold on Black)

Laptop | Phone

Wake with Wait Chapel as the A (Gold on white)
“Wake” Chapel (Gold on White)

Laptop | Phone

Wake Forest Emblem

Laptop | Phone

Demon Deacon hat graphic (Gold on black)
Deacon Top Hat

Laptop | Phone

W with Wait Chapel in the middle (Gold on black)
Wait Chapel “W”

Laptop | Phone

Demon Deacon graphic with words of Wake inside (Gold on black)
Words of Wake

Laptop | Phone

Wake gold lettering on black

Laptop | Phone

Keep Calm at Deacon On (Gold on black)
Keep Calm and Deac On

Laptop | Phone

Gold on black graphic of the arch near Hearn Plaza
WFU Arch

Laptop | Phone